• Browser testing matrix

    If you’re building websites or Web apps, you will always need to ensure your product works well in a multitude of different browsers, operating systems and devices. To provide good testing documentation you will need a Browser Matrix. I have found the need for one myself,  I thought it will help others if I provide ...
  • WordPress Site Settings Plugin

    Learn how to create and use the WordPress site settings plugin I have created. This plugin will allow you or your client to easily edit a WordPress website's details such as the telephone number, META Keywords, Footer text, etc.
  • Using Google Alerts to see if your site has been hacked

    Google’s Webmaster Blog has recently posted about their #NoHacked campaign. This campaign is about giving website owners tips and tricks to ensure they don’t fall victim to a cyber attack. You can read about the campaign here, I highly encourage you do – it gives some great advice. Part of the advice they gave was about ...
  • PHP Function: Get a file’s last modified timestamp

    I’ve recently found the need to show a file’s last modified timestamp. This function is useful when including CSS or JavaScript files. By including a query string will ensure web browsers re-download a fresh copy of the file rather than using a cached file. Simply run this function as you’re including a file, such as: ...