VestaCP offers an API which allows the firewall rules to be changed, but I could only find examples which use PHP and cURL and I required a script which would work as a Bash script. I've created a script below which you're free to use.
- Ensure your host URL, admin username and password are correct on line 21 to 23.
- Replace the content within the 'VESTACP_CMD' variable with your firewall API command, either
- You will need to find the ID for the firewall rule you wish to amend. The easiest way I have found these is by using either Chrome or FireFox's Dev tools, look for
on the DIV wrapping your rule. Once you have found the ID, replace the content within the 'VESTACP_FIREWALL_RULE' variable with your ID. Some screenshots:\ - Save the file as
- Make the file executable by running
chmod +x
- Now you can run the the file with
The full script:
## VestaCP firewall change script
## Author: Ryan Fitton (
## Version 1.0.0
## Tested on VestaCP up to version '0.9.8-18'
## Usage: run 'sudo sh ./' to change the firewall rules
## Ensure the script is set to be executable by running 'chmod +x'
## API return messages
## Success: `OK`
## Already suspended: `Error: rules X is suspended`
## Already unsuspended: `Error: rules X is not suspended`
## Required software libaries:
## 'curl' Used for check if the file exists on the FTP server via the 'curl' command
#VestaCP connection details
VESTACP_SERVER="https://youripaddresshere:8083/api/" #Host URL
VESTACP_USER="admin" #Admin username
VESTACP_PASSWORD="youradminpasswordhere" #Admin password
#VestaCP command
#Possible commands:
# v-unsuspend-firewall-rule
# v-suspend-firewall-rule
#VestaCP firewall rule rule setup within the VestaCP firewall table
VESTACP_FIREWALL_RULE="1" #Replace 1 with the Firewall rule ID
# -------------------- Nothing to change after this point --------------------
#Should not need to change these
VESTACP_API_SUCCESS_OUTPUT="OK" #Text which is checked for a successul outcome
# Clear terminal window
# Welcome/Start message
echo "****************************************"
echo "VestaCP firewall change script"
echo "Author: Ryan Fitton ("
echo "Version 1.0.0"
echo "****************************************"
printf "\n"
#Un-suspending the Firewall rule
echo "Changing the Firewall rule."
echo "..."
#Run Curl command
if curl -s --insecure -d 'user='$VESTACP_USER --data-urlencode 'password='$VESTACP_PASSWORD -d 'cmd='$VESTACP_CMD -d 'arg1='$VESTACP_FIREWALL_RULE -d 'arg2='$VESTACP_OUTPUT_FORMAT -X POST $VESTACP_SERVER | grep "$VESTACP_API_SUCCESS_OUTPUT"
#If the output matches, this is a success
echo "Success: rule has been changed."
echo "Process finished successfully."
exit 0 # Successful exit
#Else, failure as the output does not match
echo "Failure: cannot change rule."
echo "Process finished with errors."
exit 1 # Exit with general error