VestaCP API firewall suspend and unsuspend bash script

VestaCP offers an API which allows the firewall rules to be changed, but I could only find examples which use PHP and cURL and I required a script which would work as a Bash script. I've created a script below which you're free to use.

  1. Ensure your host URL, admin username and password are correct on line 21 to 23.
  2. Replace the content within the 'VESTACP_CMD' variable with your firewall API command, either v-unsuspend-firewall-rule or v-suspend-firewall-rule
  3. You will need to find the ID for the firewall rule you wish to amend. The easiest way I have found these is by using either Chrome or FireFox's Dev tools, look for v_unit_id="XX" on the DIV wrapping your rule. Once you have found the ID, replace the content within the 'VESTACP_FIREWALL_RULE' variable with your ID. Some screenshots:\

  4. Save the file as
  5. Make the file executable by running chmod +x
  6. Now you can run the the file with ./


The full script:


## VestaCP firewall change script
## Author: Ryan Fitton (
## Version 1.0.0
## Tested on VestaCP up to version '0.9.8-18'
## Usage: run 'sudo sh ./' to change the firewall rules
## Ensure the script is set to be executable by running 'chmod +x'
## API return messages
##   Success: `OK`
##   Already suspended: `Error: rules X is suspended`
##   Already unsuspended: `Error: rules X is not suspended`
## Required software libaries:
##   'curl'             Used for check if the file exists on the FTP server via the 'curl' command

#VestaCP connection details
VESTACP_SERVER="https://youripaddresshere:8083/api/"    #Host URL
VESTACP_USER="admin"                                    #Admin username
VESTACP_PASSWORD="youradminpasswordhere"                #Admin password

#VestaCP command
#Possible commands:
#   v-unsuspend-firewall-rule
#   v-suspend-firewall-rule

#VestaCP firewall rule rule setup within the VestaCP firewall table
VESTACP_FIREWALL_RULE="1"                           #Replace 1 with the Firewall rule ID

# -------------------- Nothing to change after this point --------------------

#Should not need to change these
VESTACP_API_SUCCESS_OUTPUT="OK"                     #Text which is checked for a successul outcome

# Clear terminal window

# Welcome/Start message
echo "****************************************"
echo "VestaCP firewall change script"
echo "Author: Ryan Fitton ("
echo "Version 1.0.0"
echo "****************************************"
printf "\n"

#Un-suspending the Firewall rule
echo "Changing the Firewall rule."
echo "..."

#Run Curl command
if curl -s --insecure -d 'user='$VESTACP_USER --data-urlencode 'password='$VESTACP_PASSWORD -d 'cmd='$VESTACP_CMD -d 'arg1='$VESTACP_FIREWALL_RULE -d 'arg2='$VESTACP_OUTPUT_FORMAT -X POST $VESTACP_SERVER | grep "$VESTACP_API_SUCCESS_OUTPUT"

#If the output matches, this is a success
    echo "Success: rule has been changed."
    echo "Process finished successfully."
    exit 0 # Successful exit

#Else, failure as the output does not match
    echo "Failure: cannot change rule."
    echo "Process finished with errors."
    exit 1 # Exit with general error

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