• Working with Git

    Git is fantastic for version control, I have been using it quite often this month for work and personal projects. Although this isn’t the first time I have used Git, I did use it whilst at university. Although at that time I only used the Github Windows GUI client and whilst it was okay it ...
  • Making sure Outlook.com receives PHPcMail() emails

    During the recent development of bethanyjackson.co.uk I had found my current setup of Postfix which is used by PHP Mail() was not sending email correctly to Microsoft email services such as Outlook.com. Emails were being sent by my web server but never received by Outlook.com or placed in the Junk folder, even though emails were ...
  • Better password security

    On the 3rd October 2013 Adobe announced they suffered a major data breach as reported by Krebs on Security. Recently security researchers have analysed the leaked passwords used by Adobe's customers, a news article by The Register shows this information clearly. It turns out that 1.9 million users were using '123456' and another 3.5 million were using 'password' as ...
  • WordPress 3.7 Auto Update

    The WordPress 3.7 (Basie) release went live on the 24 October 2013. It’s great release and includes a number of important features, one of which is Automatic Updates. By default automatic updates will only be applied to minor version upgrades and not major releases. For example; versions such as 3.7.1 to 3.7.2 will be applied ...
  • Perfect offsite backup

    Over the last couple of years I have begun storing more and more data on my computers, I regularly perform a backup of files and full system images every month. I currently store my backups on two 1.5TB and a 400gb external hard drive, you may say that storing backup data on that amount of ...