• Replacing my router with pfSense with a Qotom Q150P-S08 from AliExpress

    Instead of using the TP-Link TL-R470T+ router at home which I’ve showed in a previous post \[link\], I have decided it’s time to take the plunge and start using proper router software, pfSense. pfSense is open-source router/firewall software. It comes with many advanced features and is often used in the enterprise, it’s probably overkill in ...
  • Sass (SCSS) powered Linear and Radial CSS3 gradients with MS Filters

    I thought i’d share this code, it may be help anyone who wants to have some sort of backward compatibility when using CSS3 gradients with Internet Explorer 7+.   How does this work? Sass mixins and functions helps a lot with the ‘heavy-lifting’ and colour calculations. Let me explain the setup for Linear and Radial ...
  • Increasing the default ZFS Loop Device value in LXD on Ubuntu

    I’ve recently installed LXD 2.x on my Ubuntu server but forgot to set a custom value for the loop device. The default value was 20GB, but I wanted this to be 1.4TB. It took a while of searching accross the web to find an easy solution to increase this size, as I found it tricky ...
  • We’ve received a free Google Beacon!

    So, I forgot I signed up to receive a free Beacon from Google a while ago – but it has just turned up this week at my work, here is a run down of what it does and how to receive one. A beacon for those who don’t know is a small Bluetooth 4.0 Low ...