This is similar post to be read together with this. And a follow-up update to ‘Backup SQL files to FTP server‘ script. Some of my similar Backup scripts reside in a a GitHub here: Version 2.0.0, now adds additional features and bug fixes: Now searches to ensure the required packages are installed. Uses ‘lftp‘ ...
This is a follow-up post with an update to the ‘Backup Files as Tar.GZ‘ script. Some of my similar Backup scripts reside in a a GitHub here: Version 2.0.0, now adds additional features and bug fixes: Now searches to ensure the required packages are installed. Uses ‘lftp‘ to upload files via FTP. Lftp allows ...
This is a quick, but I thought it would be worth a post. Within Linux (I’m using Ubuntu 17.04) you can quickly export your computer specs as an HTML file, useful if you need some info on what particular hardware you’re running. Simply run this within your terminal at the location where you want the ...
This is a follow-on from my previous post: ‘Backup server files as tar.gz‘. The script below works in a similar way as the previous, save as ‘’ and fill out the ‘Backup options’, ‘MySQL Connection details’, and your email address. Run the script with sudo sh (make sure the file is executable first). The ...