Wedding WebsiteThis website and print work was produced for my wedding in 2019. We wanted to present our wedding details to guests with high-quality print work, wedding favours and allow them to RSVP via an online system on the website.
Eclipse Exhibition BannersThese are large roller banner designs, used for display at exhibition events.
Eclipse WebsiteFirst started in February and launched in December of 2018, this was a re-brand of the existing Eclipse website which was last re-designed in 2013.
EvidenceWorksAfter the success of previous website developments for Capita Secure solutions and services; I started work on producing a site to showcase one of their other product suites: EvidenceWorks.
Eclipse Mailchimp TemplateEclipse moved to Mailchimp from another third party mass email sending service and required a custom HTML email template which could be used in MailChimp.